Entered more and more the beam of that high lightThat shines on its own truth. From then, my seeing Became too large for speech, which fails at a sight (Dante Alighieri, trans. Robert Pinsky)
2 responses to “Just as I ought. My vision, becoming pure,”
Love the close ups!! If that yellow is broom in the top pic, then that’s what I saw in NV. Also in NV I took pics of Bristlecone Pine trees that area really old and the trunks are all twisted and so cool looking…I got lots of close ups of the trunks and the bark and they look a LOT like that middle picture. Actually, they look exactly like that middle picture!
2 responses to “Just as I ought. My vision, becoming pure,”
Love the close ups!! If that yellow is broom in the top pic, then that’s what I saw in NV. Also in NV I took pics of Bristlecone Pine trees that area really old and the trunks are all twisted and so cool looking…I got lots of close ups of the trunks and the bark and they look a LOT like that middle picture. Actually, they look exactly like that middle picture!
Oh my goodness!!! I had to make the first big to really see, WILD! Love it. And the second and third, great!