The grand Italy of meanwhile. It is the fact of being brief,
being small and slight that is the source of our beauty.We are a singularity that makes music out of noisebecause we must hurry. We make a harvest of loneliness —Jack Gilbert
wow—what a moonrise! I like the deer too. Yesterday I took my lawn chair outside to the condo “greenspace” and set up to read way over by the little creek/brook (which fills when it rains) and there are trees along it….and I set up my chair and plopped down, and looked across the little creek bed…and there were FIVE deer bedded down there that had been napping….and they were looking at me! They were so close (but on the other side of the creek bed)…I was like WHOA! I hadn’t noticed them at all while I was setting up my chair and such…and they didn’t move….until I opened my mouth and spoke to them….then they stood up and eventually scattered….I’ll have to remember next time to keep my mouth shut!
2 responses to “The grand Italy of meanwhile. It is the fact of being brief,”
Really cool, beautiful sunset.
wow—what a moonrise! I like the deer too. Yesterday I took my lawn chair outside to the condo “greenspace” and set up to read way over by the little creek/brook (which fills when it rains) and there are trees along it….and I set up my chair and plopped down, and looked across the little creek bed…and there were FIVE deer bedded down there that had been napping….and they were looking at me! They were so close (but on the other side of the creek bed)…I was like WHOA! I hadn’t noticed them at all while I was setting up my chair and such…and they didn’t move….until I opened my mouth and spoke to them….then they stood up and eventually scattered….I’ll have to remember next time to keep my mouth shut!