erase it. I will erase it because the height of insanity

demands that I do. The height of insanity says we were
demands that I do. The height of insanity says we were
in a field under a festoon of clouds. The height of insanity
in a field under a festoon of clouds. The height of insanity
says I was not there. The height of insanity says —Mary Ruefle
says I was not there. The height of insanity says
—Mary Ruefle

One response to “erase it. I will erase it because the height of insanity”

  1. Great photos! I was actually able to see that moon/planet configuration above the western horizon last evening here in Frederick…believe it or not….I was thrilled! There was also another planet really bright and red higher up in the sky. Nice to have a clear night here and I was out driving around an area that was a bit elevated and so I could see above the trees…..whoot!

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