Yet everything simultaneous. And probably eternal.

The eye did not see it, the ear did not hear it, yet it was.
The eye did not see it, the ear did not hear it, yet it was.
No strings will play it through, no tongue will speak it all, yet it will be.
No strings will play it through, no tongue will speak it all, yet it will be.
Raspberry ice cream, we melt in the sky. —Czeslaw Milosz, translated by Anthony Milosz
Raspberry ice cream, we melt in the sky.
—Czeslaw Milosz, translated by Anthony Milosz

3 responses to “Yet everything simultaneous. And probably eternal.”

  1. yes, we do melt into the sky when we’re parading. i can never thank you enough for that. did you know milosz hid jews from hitler?

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